vrijdag 20 november 2009

J46 named Star

A Star is born! On November 11, 2009 a brand new baby whale was seen in J pod swimming next to its mother at mid-day near the west side of San Juan Island. A few hours later at sunset the new baby and its extended family swam past the Victoria, BC waterfront before turning back toward Admiralty Inlet and Puget Sound for the night. On the 12th and 13th of November the new baby and family traveled extensively near Seattle, WA where they were received with great media excitement; and, on the 14th of November they were back near Victoria, BC. This family tour of the endangered whales’ core habitat with a new baby seemed to be like “showing off” for a well-wishing crowd of humans that swarm the shores and waters watching them, but really they were looking for food – salmon. Puget Sound Chum salmon are in season for the whales’ diet in early winter, but Chinook salmon are their mainstay diet year-round throughout their range, and they too are endangered.

The new baby is designated J46, and we are going to call it “Star”, for the role that it will play in showing the human inhabitants in this region that it is important to clean up Puget Sound and restore healthy abundant salmon populations to the Pacific Northwest. That mission brings a message to all of the relevant human nations – USA, Canada, First Nations, Treaty, and non-Treaty – that the first intelligent mammal residents of the region are also investing in these efforts. We could not ask for a more charismatic indicator, a baby whale, to measure the success of our renewed efforts for restoration. J pod is the most watched family of whales in the Pacific Northwest, or perhaps in the world; and, this is the first year in recent decades that they have produced three babies within one year. We will all be watching, here and worldwide, carefully and respectfully, to see if they beat the odds and all survive. This is the reality show that really means something.

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